Online Art Gallery for visual artists
Artist Statement
What motivates me to paint? My inspiration often comes from political unrest or religious intolerance. Both subjects are volatile and not to be discussed in polite company, which just adds to my motivation to publicly express my feelings about them.

Like most people, I spend considerable time thinking about current / world events and wondering about the politics behind them. In so many instances I often find myself asking the question, “Who stands to benefit from this action?” I also think about things such as, “Are we safer now than during the cold-war period? Are we more advanced and have we grown past that? How many other religions have as many divisions as Christianity, and why are they necessary? Why do we think we can get along with the rest of the world when we can barely get along with the opposite sex? Are we kinder to a stranger than to our family?” All of these subjects are enigmatic, and I prefer to take the pessimist’s point of view as I do not want to live by mystical opinions.

It is not my endeavor to paint wallpaper or pretty pictures. I like to work fast, in short sessions, in order to keep the painting fresh and not over-worked, and often work on multiple paintings at the same time. I find that using whatever is at hand, from paint to pencils to found objects, gives me the freedom to capture the images and emotions which toss about in my head like salad.

David Hemmig

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